It’ll be called Edge of Nowhere, a third person adventure game that appears to primarily feature snowy environments. It seems also to have some horror and fantasy elements thrown in and is due out sometime in 2016.
The head of Insomniac Games, Ted Price, came to the stage at Oculus’ pre-E3 conference and stated he was previously skeptical of virtual reality technology, but recent demos and games have converted him. Price was not the only one persuaded:
Damage Core, a first-person shooter by High Voltage was also announced. They’re the guys who ported Mortal Kombat X to PC, PS3, and Xbox 360. They also worked on Saints Row IV with Volition.
Chronos, an atmospheric role playing game, was also announced. In development by Gunfire Games who are also working on the ‘Deathinitive’ Edition of Darksiders II.