Song of the Deep is a Metroidvania-style underwater adventure. The plot involves Merryn, a young girl who is trying to find her father, a fisherman lost to the depths. She builds a submarine to scour the ocean searching for him. The developers’ website had this to say about the game.

Insomniac has been responsible for creating some pretty memorable franchises. From Spyro to Sunset Overdrive, they have done an excellent job of distinguishing each title from their last (including really awesome weapons). Song of the Deep may not live up to the pedigree of their previous characters, but just because this game isn’t a AAA title doesn’t mean it can’t be an entertaining, immersive experience.

For only 15 bucks, and with its timely release in the summer, it definitely warrants a look. As more information appears, we will be sure to keep you updated and informed here at GameSkinny.