The Karnataka Police have captured an individual and sent off a chase after one more in Doddaballapur, which is the adjoining town of Bengaluru city, police said on Friday.

The captured individual has been recognized as Akbar, a circuit repairman and an occupant of Islampur in Doddaballapur. The police have sent off a chase after Hujur, who has vanished after the police activity.

As per police, the occurrence occurred on September 25 out so everyone can see and it became known solely after Bajrang Dal activists saw the video and moved toward the police.

The denounced, who were on bicycle, saw a young lady going on a bicycle with her male companion. Hujur halted the bicycle and requested that the couple get down from their vehicle. Afterward, the lady was approached to give her name. After at first declining, she gave out her name after being manhandled openly.

In the wake of coming to realize that the young lady has a place with the minority local area, the scoundrels requested that the young lady give her folks’ portable number.

The person in question and her companion fought this and the blamed slapped the lady. The denounced Akbar videographed the whole episode. After the occurrence, the couple didn’t move toward the police.

After the protest was recorded, the police gave notification to the lady and her companion. They are yet to record their assertions. Police sources said that the youthful couple were partners at a privately owned business and had plans of getting hitched.

The police have enlisted cases under IPC Areas 506 (criminal terrorizing), 341 (unfair limitation), 34 (acts done by a few people in encouragement of normal goal), 504 (purposeful affront to incite break of harmony) and 354 (criminal power to lady and plan to shock unobtrusiveness). Further examination is on.