Gameskinny:  In your last Kickstarter update, you mentioned a major publisher standing by your development. What publisher is this? Also, will they be supporting you financially to help the game see its completion?

Gameskinny: Dark Storm: Ascension is heavily inspired by Metal Gear Solid, in what ways will the game differ and/or improve from the Metal Gear Franchise?

Gameskinny: Have you played Metal Gear Solid V? If so, has the newest edition to the series add any new inspiration you would possibly add to Dark Storm?

Gameskinny: One of your game features is “True First-Person”, can you elaborate on what this means? How would it differ from other first person games?

Gameskinny: Your Kickstarter advertised the game to be on Steam and Xbox One, is this still true for the platforms the game will be released on? Also are there any plans to release the game to PlayStation 4?

Gameskinny: Are there any plans for Multiplayer in this game? Or will it be strictly single player?

Gameskinny: Amber Kingsley seems like a strong female lead. How would you stack her up against other female protagonists such as Lara Croft or Jill Valentine?

Gameskinny: Are there still plans to be able to play as She-Wolf?

Gameskinny: Is there an estimated release date for the game? 

Gameskinny: Lastly, tell readers why you believe they should be paying attention to Dark Storm: Ascension. Why should they be excited?

Dark Storm: Ascension is ambitious and promising. Fenrir Studios hopes to bring a game with a strong story and dominant female protagonist. If you want to learn more or help support developement on Dark Storm: Ascension you can visit their website here. Stay tuned for more coverage on Dark Storm: Ascension.