I recently got the opportunity to ask Mike and Mike a few questions, to really learn more about the world of Thornwatch and their extremely successful Kickstarter campaign.

Alex Anderson: In the Kickstarter video, it was mentioned that Thornwatch’s design was based on 2D comics. Were there any in particular that helped develop the direction of the game’s art and storyboards?

AA: What was the inspiration behind sending players straight into the action instead of having a build-up?

AA: Your Kickstarter page mentioned part of the core of the game was addressing the problem of players not paying attention during other’s turns. I’ve noticed this a lot in any genre of turn-based play. How does Thornwatch’s gameplay eliminate this problem?

AA: Why did you decide this game would work best as a tabletop RPG as opposed to some other medium? Do you think Thornwatch’s concept could have worked in another genre?

AA: The Eyrewood seems like an amazing environment. How did the idea to have the setting always changing come about?

AA: You mentioned there are three groups of protectors of the Eyrewoods: The Lookouts, The Daughters, and the Thornwatch. What’s the difference between these three groups?

AA: The Kickstarter has been really successful. The game has a lot more funding than you initially asked for. What was the experience like with trying to get Thornwatch crowdfunded?

AA: Do you have any plans on how you’ll be using the extra funds?

AA: When do you expect for Thornwatch to ship to backers?

I’d like to thank Mike Krahulik and Mike Selinker again for taking the time to answer my questions.

If you’re interested in supporting Thornwatch, click here to head over to their Kickstarter. There’s free print-and-play version available here and you can give your feedback on this form to give your input on the game.