Unlike AAA developers, who are “ruining” the horror genre, indie developers are carrying the weight of the genre on their shoulders, trying to keep it relevant and alive.

GameSkinny recently sat down with an aspiring developer and founder of Mega-Maniacal Gaming Studios, Leo Maldonado, for an interview to talk about the horror genre as a whole and what can be done to potentially save it. 

GameSkinny: Are you working on developing any projects right now in regards to horror games?

GS: Can you tell us a little bit about what project you are working on and what it will be about?

GS: Based on the description you provided, it seems that you have really thought this one through. Is there anything that has inspired you? Perhaps modern horror games, or those of the past?

GS: Do you have a specific target audience in mind? If you plan to release your title, to which fans are you particularly catering to?

GS: What did you mean when you said that the gaming community has grown apart from the survival horror genre?

GS: Can you please elaborate on that if possible. What exactly do you mean by that?

I personally believe that this trend has led loyal fans of the franchise to lose interest and grow apart from it.

GS: With the upcoming release of Resident Evil 7, and based on what you just said, do you think that that particular title will be able to restore the franchise back to its former glory?

GS: Seeing your support for the franchise, and as you have said earlier that RE has inspired you, what do you hope to accomplish with your own project?

GS: Going back to your game, what platforms do you plan to release it on, and do you think your game will be any different or unique? If so, how?

GS: Do you have an expected release date for the game yet?

For the other half of the question, I think this game will be unique in the sense that it is revitalizing everything that has made classic survival horror games excel (atmosphere, sense of hopelessness and the need to explore to find the objectives). This will also be mashed together with the modern taste of things, as I will seek to make the game compatible with VR. This creates an even dose of a blast from the past and a face full of the future!

GS: Finally, do you have a website where people can learn more about you, your studio, and your project?

Viral hopes to restore the survival horror game genre to its former glory with promises of isolation, eerie atmospheres and a sense of hopelessness – the way survival horror games are meant to be developed and played.

Leo Maldonado is a man on a mission with one difficult goal in mind. Personally, I wish him and his potential team the very best of luck, and sincerely hope that his title will be something that will be remembered and, more importantly, embraced by classic horror fans.

What do you think of the current state of the horror genre? Do you like it? Or do you think it needs a new infusion? Let us know in the comments below!