And what better way to celebrate than Mother to Earth, a documentary surrounding the game’s 20 year journey to the Western gaming sphere. After an uncertain Kickstarter campaign, the project was successfully funded last month and the team is hard at work in promoting and crafting the film. 

As a massive EarthBound fan myself, I’m personally psyched for the project and backed it from the get-go. So I reached out to Josh Bone-Christian, one of the documentary’s co-directors, for the following interview.GS: First off, a belated congratulations on reaching your Kickstarter goal! It was rather close at the end; where there any concerns you wouldn’t reach it?

GS: I’m very interested in learning how Austin O’Rourke, the documentary’s composer, is creating a score inspired by EarthBound Beginnings. Does this mean we’ll be hearing chiptunes and the like?

GS: There’s a documentary being made for EarthBound (Mother 2) called EarthBound, USA. They’re separate games, but were you guys concerned with any overlap regarding that project?

GS: Speaking of Mother 3, we’ve reached the tenth anniversary this year and there’s been a bunch of whispers regarding that game’s localization finally happening. Do you think it’s happening? I think we can both agree we’d rather not wait over twenty years like Beginnings!

GS: That’s crazy! You should put that in the documentary.

From one EarthBound fan to another, I’d like to thank Josh for the interview. Mother to Earth is scheduled to release sometime in 2018. You can visit the Kickstarter page here.