Pantropy is the brainchild of Brain Stone, an indie studio from Germany, and is currently looking for your votes on Steam Greenlight. It’s a sci-fi MMO that combines FPS with elements of RPG to create a game that will no doubt have you locked in at your PC for a very long time.

Teamwork is key to survival

Players start on the outskirts of an island on the alien world of Pantropy alone, and with only a few resources to build a shelter to provide some protection. As you venture further into the island to gather more resources, the creatures and landscape become harsher – but that’s where the best loot and higher quality materials are, so you need to figure out a way of getting to them. This is where the multiplayer kicks in. There are a number of factions on the island who would gladly have you join their ranks to face the world together.

Other than the creatures already inhabiting the planet, your main enemy is a biomechanical faction whose sole aim is to conquer the map. Working with your faction, your main aim will be to take them down by destroying their main base and taking down their command center.

The game includes lots of interesting features, such as:

An in-depth crafting and building system Automated farming so you don’t have worry about your crops An “anti-raid” system that prevents your base from being raided by other players while you’re offline 20 weapons to craft 5 mechs Multiple biomes with all manner of unique flora and fauna In-depth XP system and tier rewards

You might be forgiven for missing this Pantropy giant

The game’s developers are aiming to have Pantropy released on Early Access late in 2017, with a general release tentatively planned for 2018. There is currently no news on when alpha testing begins – but once the game has been through Greenlight, followers will be able to find out more.

If you want to give your vote to Pantropy, you can head to the game’s Greenlight page where there are lots more stills and gameplay video to whet your appetite. One you’re done checking it out, make sure you come back to GameSkinny to find out more information on this game and other awesome indie games!